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April 6, 2019

Incredible Insects of Costa Rica

4 Incredible Insects to see on Vacation in Costa Rica

  • Leaf-Cutter Ant

insect-ant-cutter-leaf-dominical-nature-insectsBy far the most impressive insect to spot in Costa Rica is the leaf-cutter ants. These creatures are so interesting you could read a whole book on them. They’ve been around for millions of years and have very elaborate societies. They have strict social hierarchies and even make their own antibiotics! If you have any interest in insects, you’ll want to read up on the Atta cephalotes because they may be the most incredible insect in Costa Rica. If you see a moving trail of tiny leaves, stop and observe these little landscapers at work.   

  • Walking Stick

insect-stick-insect-nature-jungle-dominicalYou need a good eye to spot a walking stick amongst all the branches of the jungle, but occasionally these guys venture out onto a sliding glass door or a lounge chair by the pool so keep your eyes peeled. Walking sticks can grow to be quite impressive sizes in Costa Rica, even close to a foot in length. These vegetarians won’t hurt you and are pretty much always…walking. They just keep walking, so no need to swat in their direction, they’ll move on shortly.

  • Blue Morpho

blue-morpho-butterfly-insect-costa-ricaThe biggest butterfly in Costa Rica is the famous Blue Morpho (Morpho peleides). This butterfly is technically rare but there’s a really high chance that if you go outside your villa in the early morning you’ll see one, or two, languidly floating down the road or driveway. They love flying down roads and trails very early in the morning. You can only see the stunning blue as the wing flaps if they land on a branch they suddenly look as dull as dirt. Getting a picture at just the right time is a challenge, but if you start practising the first morning, you’ll be bound to understand their flight pattern and get a great picture by the end of your trip.

  • Dragonfly

dragonfly-costarica-insect-jungle-tropicalThere are hundreds of different species of colourful dragonflies, or libélulas, in Costa Rica. You’re most likely to see one while you are floating in the pool. You’ll probably notice their speed, flight manoeuvrability and air acrobatics are top-notch and since they’re one of the first insects to live on our planet, it makes sense as they’ve had ample time to perfect their skills.

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